When they say life couldn’t get any better than this, I think “they” were referring to grandparenthood. In fact I’m certain of it. And as far as I’m concerned it’s the best club in town to which I am now a bona fide member. It does seem incredulous. The whole thing actually. But almost two weeks have gone by since I joined and here I am still on cloud nine and still kvelling (that’s Yiddish-speak for bursting at the seams with pride and joy) over this beautiful six-pound bundle of pure energy wrapped snugly in my arms with no intention of ever letting her go.
Yes, I’m bone-tired. And forget that my legs haven’t seen a razor in weeks. But oddly as I rock Meghan in my arms, all those things seem completely irrelevant to the bigger picture. This lovely little girl. What I want to share with her, what I want to tell her and above all else what I hope to teach her.
As a young mother when my children were born it seemed natural for me to have these same thoughts, same desires. But now from a grandmother’s perspective, someone who’s been there, done that and survived the good, the bad and the ugly to tell the tale, I can honestly say these essential life lessons take on a whole new meaning for me. A sort of legacy that I hope will guide her along in this wonderful journey she’s about to embark on.
And so I say to you my dear sweet girl….
You are a woman first and last proud. Equal to all those around you in every way.
Love who you are, exactly as you are, and others will too. If not—screw them!
Be present. Live each day in the moment. And hold yourself accountable.
Please yourself first before others.
Don’t waste your time on those things that don’t make sense or people who do not love you or want the best for you.
Look beyond the worst in others—the hypocrisy, the arrogance, the dishonesty, the petty gossiping—because not all hearts and minds are small.
Be kind to animals.
Help those that cannot help themselves.
Know life isn’t a box of chocolates. But it’s your box. Own it. And what really matters most in the end has nothing whatsoever to do with what’s inside but what you do with it.
6 Comments -Leave a Comment
Thank you!
Just beautiful! Wise words from a very wise woman. Meghan you have a very wonderful fun loving Grandma that will teach you many things. Enjoy her!! Also your Mommy is pretty special too. You are a very lucky little girl!! Lots of Lauren!!
She is such a joy! Already. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to being a part of her world, helping to expand those horizons that will expand. She will come to think of me as her Mrs. Miyagi after showing her a few of those wash on, wash off moves I’ve got up my sleeve. Oh yes…this is going to be a blast!
Once more you make me laugh and tell it just like it is! Love you!!
Right back at ya! (wink)